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Preventing crashes due to truck driver fatigue

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Preventing crashes due to truck driver fatigue

Truckers in California and across the U.S. have to continually deal with fatigue, and they should know that fatigue can raise their risk for a crash by making them inattentive and slow to react. Avoiding fatigue means, first of all, obtaining a sufficient amount of sleep, which is six to eight hours according to most experts.

Taking naps and eating healthy

If truckers cannot sleep that long at one time, they could catch up on their sleep with short naps. Another integral part of truck driver safety is a healthy diet. Fast food and snacks that give a momentary sugar rush actually contribute to fatigue. Instead of a burger, truckers could eat a chicken or tuna sandwich, and instead of donuts, they can opt for English muffins or bagels.

What you drink is important

Dehydration has been linked to fatigue, not to mention muscle cramps and headaches, so truck drivers should drink plenty of water. Additionally, they should avoid alcohol, which is a depressant, and not be excessive in their caffeine consumption.

How the environment causes fatigue

Without a good seat suspension system, truckers may experience fatigue from the constant bouncing and jarring in the truck cab. In addition to fatigue, truckers can feel sore all over and become the victims of spinal degradation. If they need specific medical advice to combat fatigue, truckers can always consult their physician.

Legal representation for accident victims

Perhaps a drowsy truck driver collided with you and seriously injured you. Some victims of truck crashes file a personal injury claim in the effort to be reimbursed for their losses, such as their medical expenses, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering. Having a lawyer evaluate your case may be a good idea; the lawyer may be helpful during the settlement negotiations, too.

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At Law Offices of John C. Ye, A Professional Law Corporation, our attorneys work with a diverse population of people who have been injured and need to seek damages from the responsible parties.

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