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How can brain injuries manifest after a crash?

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How can brain injuries manifest after a crash?

Crashes that involve vehicles and pedestrians very rarely turn out well for the pedestrian. Pedestrians in California may easily end up suffering because you get hit by a driver. Because of these potential crashes, people just like you end up dealing with the repercussions long after the initial incident itself.

One potential injury many pedestrians suffer from after a crash is called a traumatic brain injury (TBI). These are commonly experienced, as you don’t have any protection keeping your head safe compared to the driver, who at least has the covering of their vehicle. Often times, TBIs occur when your head hits the ground, your vehicle, or the vehicle of someone else.

TBIs can vary in severity but are usually on the more serious side, as the name suggests. If you end up dealing with trauma from a TBI, you could be facing a long road to recovery. TBIs can affect every aspect of your life. They can impact your speech, memory, and even personality. For example, people who damage certain areas of their brain may find their ability to resist impulses reduced. It can also be easier to snap at loved ones. You may face sudden swings in mood too, and frequently find yourself becoming confused, hostile or agitated.

TBIs can take a long time to heal from. The therapy you may have to go through can be intense. In some cases, the damage is so severe that an individual is never able to regain full use of the parts that have been damaged. If you want to read more about the involvement of pedestrians in auto crashes, consider viewing our web page here.

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At Law Offices of John C. Ye, A Professional Law Corporation, our attorneys work with a diverse population of people who have been injured and need to seek damages from the responsible parties.

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